Friday, February 27, 2009

I tolju the bitch crazy!

The Fecund One was on the Dr. Phil Show recently. There, she made the "stunning" admission that having octuplets in addition to her other six kiddies was probably a bad idea.

The admission itself proves that it is always easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission. The fact that she conceded the fact to the good doctor, and how she did it, shows off the complexity of whatever version of crazy she's got.

She will say whatever ("I need your sperm, because I have ovarian cancer"), to whomever (boyfriend/hapless sap she was working at the time, Ann Curry, Dr. Phil) to get what she wants (fulfillment of her pathological needs, sympathy, evade more pointed questions that will expose her for what she is, etc).

Like many with her.... "talents", she will no doubt land on her feet and come out smelling sweet in the end.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Lesson #1: "Xie xie" - "Thank you".

Eight years ago, people in the U.S. feared that their children or grandchildren may be Muslim and speak Arabic. Obvious xenophobia aside, the possibility of that is lot less substantiated than that of future American generations being fluent in Mandarin Chinese.

Between the fact that China has bought up a lot of our bloated debt and the projections that much of the world's wealth will shift eastward, this is highly likely.

You could look at it as a case of "slow and steady wins the race", or as testimony that strict and traditional and disciplined cultures persist and prevail through the ages.

Suddenly all those futuristic movies with images of overcrowded cities, bleak economic climates and signs in Asian-looking script do not look all that far off the mark.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Vehicles of greed

Some people work unbelievable hours and make tremendous sacrifices to "make it". Others sleep their way to the top. For others, it's a matter of politics, leverage and backscratching. Roland Burris had said that it was his "dream" to be a U.S. Senator. Yes, he's worked hard to overcome racial obstacles. Yes, he likely was a good public servant. That does not sweeten the truth: he's a political whore. First he castigated Blago, then he accepted a Senate appointment with a shit-eating grin. When challenged about how he came to the appointment, he slalomed around pointed questions about his dealings with Radioactive Rod.
They say cream rises to the top. But so does scum. High school-level science tells us that like substances tend to cling together.

The mob rails and boils with anger. A few straw man effigies bear the brunt of the pitchfork and torch assault. If they were stupid and greedy enough to disregard the FACT that the returns the likes of Bernie Madoff were talking about were virtually impossible, it serves them right to have lost their money.
Wasn't Frankenstein's monster a metaphor for humanity's own flaws?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"I know it when I see it"

CNN commentator Roland Martin was sounding vaguely familiar when he spoke out about a recent controversial New York Post cartoon on Anderson Cooper's show today.

Since people ARE split on the interpretation of this cartoon, it's a no-brainer that either the cartoonist's intended message is conveyed somewhat vaguely, or that most Americans are miserably ignorant about their country's legislative process or that political correctness has reached toxic levels and needs to be dialed back juuuuust a smidge.

I'm not sure which of those latter two is worse...

In other news: Will The Fecund One be eligible for the president's foreclosure bailout? I sure as hell hope not, but the web site started for her by The Killeen Furtney Group (not her first freebie by any means) is back up. Stay tuned buckaroos!

Monday, February 16, 2009

However will she manage?

It seems that The Killeen Furtney Group - the publicist for the Octomom - closed the donation site they created (the death threats were really just an excuse).
But the Octomom brand is strong. See here.

How will The Fecund One be able to afford all those manicures and Restylane lip injections?

Bypass that unemployment line, sweetie. I hear Walmart is hiring.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

14 reasons to cheat on your taxes.

Aspiring Angelina Jolie impersonator, Nadya Suleman has launched a web site intended to milk your pity and child fetish for cash.

When she assured NBC viewers that she is not receiving any public assistance, she was not *technically* lying. But I have to side with grandma Suleman that it is unconscionable that this puff-lipped narcissist has burdened her parents and now wants to burden voluntary donors and involuntary taxpayers with the tab for her 14 bundles of joy.

This savvy manipulator knows how to milk the system. She has not worked for several years following some "job injury", is $50K in debt for school (did she major in Recreational Motherhood Studies?). Let's see if she ever gets to (or even wants to) finish her degree. She already gets food stamps, probably WIC benefits and assistance because her kids have ADHD and Autism.

Women are rarely blind so I can use this: Did she NOT see the red flags with the first 6 fatherless wonders? This whacko lacks the judgement and personal revenue to support her large brood.

"I knew the bitch crazy!"

Monday, February 9, 2009

Is this REALLY news?

There are so many more important things this guy has going on than this!

Come on!

Monday, February 2, 2009

I'm gonna puke!

If I see one more:

-Cîroc commercial where Pif Puffy or Poop Poppie or whatever Sean Combs is calling himself these days pretends that grape Jolly Rancher - flavored pseudo-vodka makes him classy. Admittedly, he's an intelligent man and a good businessman, but Sinatra he's not.

-Vermont Teddy Bear Company commercial that attempts to convince us that even cubicle-occupying non-college graduates revert to squealing junior-high schoolers at the sight of a stuffed, faux fur, anthropomorphic ursine.

-"Green" energy PSAs that do not seem to explain a specific product or plan. A series of sweeping and vague feelgoodisms a solution do not make. Worse yet, I have no clue who or what are the generic-named organizations behind these spots.


Gimme a phucking break!
Proving that it IS easier to ask forgiveness than permission, another of Barack's cabinet picks turns out to have forgotten, overlooked and miscalculated his taxes. Oopsie!
The former Democratic Senate leader says now that he is embarrassed over the matter...
Key to the Democratic platform is the idea that everyone contributes to a joint pool from which all society sources funds for its needs. Greed, deception, tax evasion and fleecing the public were supposed to be the trademarks of Republicans. It looks like all this change is turning out to be all about who is in the front row at the trough. In Russia they had a saying: "It doesn't matter what the system in power is. It's always the same old whore".
Maybe we should get Daschle in as HHS sec'y and make him turn over all his revenue and assets to fund the overhaul of the health care system.

Hero Cult

The 23 year-old fastest aquatic human has been living it up and riding the gravy train of his Olympic success. But lest we forget that he is still essentially a kid, a British tabloid gave us a little reminder recently in the form of photos of his pre-Beijing pot smoking (at which he seems quite skilled). Four years ago, he got picked up on a DUI charge.
This is a kid bred and raised to meet superhuman physical expectations from an early age. His life revolves around training and competing. Combine that lack of social and emotional maturity with instant celebrity status and you have the ingredients for a cautionary tale.
But fire needs oxygen to keep it going.
It's our society that puts these ridiculous, one-dimensional expectations of people in the public eye.
We are sick with Hero Cult Syndrome, bestowing messianic expectation on our president and expecting a kid deprived of the opportunity to develop and mature socially and emotionally to act like superman.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Only in 'murrica

Only our prudish attitudes on matters of natural body functions coupled with our spineless P.C., enabling and excusist social attitudes would spawn this idea.
Why should an American red meat eater walk on egg shells or react like a dog in a Skinner box to the swinging hormonal and emotional pendulum of the women in his immediate environment?
PMS may suck, but no man should be punished for a woman's symptoms. Instead, American women like to beat their men over the head with something the men did not cause or can control.
So what is the ultimate goal of this service? Putting men on notice when a woman's crazy flares up? For what purpose?
So the boss can't push a deadline and quality and production standards should be dialed back during those days? Should patients expect a different level of care? Should we tolerate lowered protection by law enforcement?
If we tolerate and accept these lowered standards of work 20% of the time, women should not receive any more than 80% of a man's pay.
If you want to be paid equally you need to act and work equally.