Friday, February 20, 2009

Vehicles of greed

Some people work unbelievable hours and make tremendous sacrifices to "make it". Others sleep their way to the top. For others, it's a matter of politics, leverage and backscratching. Roland Burris had said that it was his "dream" to be a U.S. Senator. Yes, he's worked hard to overcome racial obstacles. Yes, he likely was a good public servant. That does not sweeten the truth: he's a political whore. First he castigated Blago, then he accepted a Senate appointment with a shit-eating grin. When challenged about how he came to the appointment, he slalomed around pointed questions about his dealings with Radioactive Rod.
They say cream rises to the top. But so does scum. High school-level science tells us that like substances tend to cling together.

The mob rails and boils with anger. A few straw man effigies bear the brunt of the pitchfork and torch assault. If they were stupid and greedy enough to disregard the FACT that the returns the likes of Bernie Madoff were talking about were virtually impossible, it serves them right to have lost their money.
Wasn't Frankenstein's monster a metaphor for humanity's own flaws?

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