Monday, February 2, 2009


Gimme a phucking break!
Proving that it IS easier to ask forgiveness than permission, another of Barack's cabinet picks turns out to have forgotten, overlooked and miscalculated his taxes. Oopsie!
The former Democratic Senate leader says now that he is embarrassed over the matter...
Key to the Democratic platform is the idea that everyone contributes to a joint pool from which all society sources funds for its needs. Greed, deception, tax evasion and fleecing the public were supposed to be the trademarks of Republicans. It looks like all this change is turning out to be all about who is in the front row at the trough. In Russia they had a saying: "It doesn't matter what the system in power is. It's always the same old whore".
Maybe we should get Daschle in as HHS sec'y and make him turn over all his revenue and assets to fund the overhaul of the health care system.

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