Monday, January 26, 2009

Where they's smoke, they's fire...

irRev. Ted Haggard appears to NOT have been doing background research on homosexuality or playing Mother Teresa (but, then, I was not in motel room, so I don't know if he wore a costume). Looks like Pastor Ted likes 'em clean and nubile as well. Turns out he sampled the forbidden sinful pleasures of a "20-year-old volunteer at his megachurch". Varying sources contradict each other on whether said sampling was invited or consensual. That poor young soul was kept quiet with a sprinkling of green for college tuition, costs of counseling and costs of moving (...on to a New Life?). Do we need to ask if that came from the collection plate?

America's poet-politician, Rod "bla-bla-bla" Blagojevich is as much of a boy scout as his haircut would suggest. Apparently he would never, ever, ever use foul language.... if there was anyone (besides his wife) listening. Honest!
And he kisses his mother with that mouth?

I'm taking bets on how long it will take Larry King to get annoyed with Blago. Set your TiVos kids, Larry's "Bitch, please" face is priceless.

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