Friday, January 30, 2009

Peety Peety Pintheth

At a loss for something new and intelligent on TV, I ended up watching VH1's Tool Academy.
Never mind that it rips off the Duochebag concept from DB1. The show is more painful to watch than Rock of Love 2. Yes, it's formulaic.
Whatever episode it was tonight, one of the contestants tonight went on a "romantic" "date" with his girlfriend. Carriage ride and all...
"I feel like a princess!" exclaimed the damsel
Bitch, grow up. And that goes for many twenty-something High School Diploma holders.
You are blue collar peons, not aristocracy. You will be nothing more than salt mine slaves and baby machines unless you go back to school - or beauty college - and make something of yourselves.
Git yo; se'f edumacated. Git yo' se'f a profession and a career. There's a nursing shortage in this country.
Like Barack said, it's time to leave behind childish things.

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